Why Infographics Should Be Part of Your Digital Strategy

In the early 2010s (yep, that’s a long time ago now) infographics were the “it” thing. It felt like every agency or company was doing it and there was a good reason why: they worked. 

While infographics did take a backseat for a few years, they appear to be making a comeback. With COVID-19, hand washing posters are now commonly seen in offices and data filled graphics have been used to illustrate how the virus has spread. Why do we think infographics are so powerful? Let’s talk through the reasons and some examples of how to use them in 2023!


We like visuals

Humans are all about imagery. You could say that infographics go as far back as cave paintings and Egyptian hieroglyphics from thousands of years ago. Ultimately, they all serve the same purpose - to visualise information in a way that makes it easy to understand. So, it just makes sense that we love looking at pictures and imagery will often trump a long blog, if it suits the topic!

infographic world evolution of infographics


It’s sharable

The more your content is shared, the more exposure your brand gets and the better you will perform online - especially if it results in a link back to your site (this one of the major ranking factors for SEO). Infographics are all about shareability. Whether it’s sharing history (like we did in the below infographic for our client, Stattin Stainless) or more recent data on COVID-19 (a great example from WHO below), these graphics are perfect for sharing and in turn, boosting your digital performance.

Stattin Stainless Inforgraphic WHO COVID-19 Graphic


Great for SEO and lead generation

We already alluded to this, but infographics are a common SEO tactic for good reason. Given that visual content is more engaging and shareable, along with the ability to take parts of graphics and repurpose them across different platforms, infographics are perfect for SEO. They can build links, increase exploration and time spent on your site and build your audience, all important factors for search engine rankings. In fact, there are even infographics on SEO, like the one below from Liana Tech

Liana Tech SEO infographic


It helps us learn

With our love of visuals, it just makes sense that infographics are easier to consume for the reader. Visme, who have their own content creation tool, found those following directions with both text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations! Plus, visuals increase learning and information retention by 78%.

Visme Infographic


Variety of content

While blogs are still a great way to build out your content, no one wants to read thousands of words all the time! Breaking up longform content with imagery that is nice to look at while still adding valuable information can greatly impact your user engagement and experience. Plus, some infographics can be cut into smaller chunks for social media use, allowing you to create many different pieces of content from one main piece. We did this with our blog on social media image sizes - below is the graphic for LinkedIn.

BA LinkedIn Specs

Have you used infographics in your marketing? Would you like help making them a part of your mix? Talk to our team - we have graphic designers and digital marketers in our Brisbane office who can help!

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